‘The Targeter,’ a Surreal Novel, Chapter Twenty

Hey, a whole bunch of shots were just fired!

Did I get hit by any of them? I don’t feel anything: my ketamine high is still keeping me desensitized to any pain. What about my comrades?

I’d better take a look around me; in my stoned stupor, I’m still pretty slow in my perception of anything. I’ll need a moment to process all of what’s just happened.

My friends aren’t standing beside me anymore…wait! Behind me…oh, shit! they’re lying behind me on the road, in a pool of blood. I guess I’ll never know where they were going to take me.

So, who were the shooters? David is gone, so his followers might as well join mine. If they’re joining me, whoever shot at us must be those fighting for the island’s ruling class.

I’ll look ahead to where the shots came from. In the distance, far down the road from here, I see a number of armed men in uniforms coming towards me. They must be from the ruling class’s army; I’ll bet some of them are private mercenaries, since such is the way the capitalism my comrades and I are fighting against does things these days–minimal government involvement and maximum privatization. I’ll bet they’ve already killed a thousand or so of my followers.

I may not have to fear David anymore, but these men coming at me are obviously trying to kill me and my followers. They’re trying to stop my movement of peace, love, and social transformation. If I wasn’t so high right now, I’d be terrified, frantically running away.

Speaking of running, one of those armed men is running at me now. He’s shot at me a few times, missing. I’d better turn around and go the other way.

I’m still so stoned, with so little feeling in my body, that I have no sense of my legs moving fast in running. Rather, I feel like I’m slowly floating; if anything, I’m just casually walking away from my pursuers.

Behind me, I hear them shouting something. Is it in Chinese, or English? “Ying gai shi ta!” (“It should be him!”), or, in English, “Engage the man!”? I’m not sure: there’s so much other noise–gunshots, explosions, and people screaming–that it’s hard to hear clearly. My being stoned out of my mind isn’t exactly helping, either, of course.

They shouted the same words again. Was it a man’s name? It sounded like “Angus LeMall.” That must be the name of the man chasing me. Yes, Angus LeMall, whoever that’s supposed to be, is coming after me, trying to kill me!

I’ll look behind again. Wow, the ferocity in his eyes! He looks like someone possessed of a demon, someone who’s killed nearly a thousand people, at least! And I’m to be his thousandth kill, it seems. I’d better keep my distance from him, though I don’t feel capable of going any faster that this slow walking…or floating…whatever my body is doing.

“Stop!” I hear him shout from not too far behind me.

“Why don’t you stop?” I say, then look behind. He seems much farther away from me than he should be; after all, he’s the one running, and I’m just walking. How can he still be so far away from me? Now, he’s stopping.

Is he going to repent of his murderous ways and join my peaceful cause? I hope so. A few more gunshots were just fired. I’m looking ahead, so I didn’t see who fired. I hope it wasn’t him. I just felt two light tapping sensations on my left arm, under the elbow, and on my right leg, just under my ass. It hurts a little, but only a little. I’m still so high from the K that I hardly feel much of anything.

To be safe and sure, I’ll send out my watery vibes of peace and love, to pacify my pursuers. That should ensure that Angus LeMall converts to my cause.

I seem to be lying on my chest on the road now. I’m melting into my watery form again. Indeed, I can see a dark liquid pouring out from my body to my left and right; it’s a dark liquid…is it red? No, it can’t be–it’s just my melted, watery form. The night, with a scarcity of street lamps at this part of the road, is what’s making my watery form only seem bloody. That’s it!

Yes, my watery vibes of peace and love are emanating from me and touching Angus and my other pursuers. They’re repenting and joining my cause now! Wonderful! Now that he is on my side, he’ll have to be patient and endure the bad karma he’s earned from having killed so many up until now. He’ll have to deal with the anger and curses of the grieving family and friends of all of those he’s killed over the years. It’s going to be hard for him; I hope he can handle it!

Anyway, I feel quite at rest here, lying prone on the road. I can see my dark liquid form flowing out in a lake…a red lake?…no, that can’t be!…all around me. This feels so peaceful.

Ketamine gives you such a powerful high!

What was that? A few more of those tapping sensations, this time, on my back. It stings a little. It must have been more flying insects crashing into me.

I hope the bugs aren’t too badly hurt.

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